Stinkbug Death Toll

The death toll continues to rise. The poison may not be immediately deadly to these formidable invaders, but eventually it works its magic on the dreaded enemy soldiers. The demons also continue to find themselves snared by the Tower of Death. It is heartening to find dead and dying stinkbug carcasses each morning during the dawn patrol.

Strube's Stinkbugs Tower of Death Stinkbug Trap

Stinkbug Tower of Death

If only they didn’t have so many reinforcements that follow in the endless onslaught…

©Copyright 2011 Lydia Whitney

Death to Stinkbugs!

Today’s battle lasted for hours. Even with heavy machinery, it was necessary to make pass after pass as hundreds – perhaps thousands – of dead, dying, and still fighting stinkbug enemy combatants were sucked into their final resting place. May they rot forever!

Dead Stinkbugs Killed by Bifenthrin

Dead Enemy Soldiers

Copyright © 2011
Lydia Whitney

Stinkbug Wine Threat – Worst Yet!

We have received the most disturbing news to date: Stinkbugs are now attacking one of our most precious commodities. Wine! They have apparently enlisted suicide soldiers who throw themselves into the wine presses, destroying cask after cask of this precious substance. Our defenses are disheartened by this frightening news…

We must mull it over while savoring the supply we still have. And try not to think of dire results such as (gasp!) wine rationing in the months ahead…

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney

Stinkbug Invasion Party Planning

Today’s sunshine has brought out a greater number of the enemy than has been seen in many months. Once again, windows are covered with stinkbug soldiers and our patrols must be increased to combat their numbers. And the most recent news from HQ is disturbing. Apparently, the invasion force is already planning a victory party.

Despite our ongoing efforts, the Powers That Be are still unable to offer any real hope to those of us fighting in the trenches. At best, the goal is to fortify our defenses against their endless onslaught. Regardless, we will fight on – and we will never surrender!

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney

Stinkbugs: The Truth is Out There

Finally, there seems to be an acceptance of much that those of us on the front lines already knew:

1. Stinkbugs are far more than a nuisance.
2. Stinkbugs are a threat of epic proportions.
3. Stinkbugs are nearly impossible to kill.
4. Stinkbugs are capable of birthing up to SIX generations per year.

Of course, still no solution. We are left scrambling for whatever weapons we can find, often with only minimal effectiveness.

My current battle plan:

1. Spray with Home Defense inside and out around all doors and windows. It may not kill them permanently, but it keeps them from flying around and I can simply sweep them up and BURN THEM.
2. Use Strube’s Stinkbug Traps at night to ensnare those who make it past the poison.
3. Test all new weapons, including Dead Inn Stinkbug Traps in hopes of finding a more aggressive solution.
4. Enlist others to help in this resistance effort. And pray.

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney

Stinkbug Tower of Death Success!

After waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to deploy my newest weapon against stinkbugs, last night found the enemy airborne and vulnerable to the lure of the light. As anticipated, they could not resist the draw and soon found themselves firmly mired in the trap’s tarry field. Success! Now, to acquire another of these weapons to unleash on the second-story demon denizens…

Tower of Stinkbug Death Kills Stinkbugs

Tower of Stinkbug Death

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney

Stinkbugs: They’re Baaack!

During the recent unseasonably cold, wet weather, the stinkbug enemy seemed to disappear, but we knew that they would return. The warm spring weather today brought out more than friendly forces to enjoy the sun here in Maryland. The stinkbug soldiers are again slithering past our perimeter to enter our stronghold. Luckily, new and better weapons are en route to strengthen our arsenal: EcoGreen Warehouse Dead Inn Stinkbug Traps should arrive any day now…

Stinkbugs on Window Screen

Stinkbugs on Window Screen

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney

Three Words About Stinkbugs

Stinkbug. Toilet paper.

Anti-Stinkbug Arsenal

In my ongoing quest for the most effective anti-stinkbug weapon, I have moved to the heavy artillery. I just received my first hanging stinkbug trap. I am eagerly awaiting the results of its trial-run tonight. I have been dreaming of hundreds of enemy soldiers drawn to this lighted tower of death only to be held fast as they expire…

The contraption was more difficult to deploy than anticipated, being coated with a thick adhesive in which the enemy will become mired. However, if it succeeds in luring even a few of my enemy combatants and capturing these malevolent intruders, the effort will have been worthwhile…

View Stinkbug Trap Catching Stinkbugs

My Newest Weapon in the Stinkbug War

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney


Kill the Stinkbugs…

Is it bad that I actually enjoy watching brown marmorated stinkbugs die slow, agonizing deaths? The thing is, I’m the kind of person that won’t kill spiders, loves snakes, and tries to put baby birds back in nests. Even when it is an accident or necessary, I hate killing anything. Correction: Hated killing anything. I hate stinkbugs so much that I actually thrive on their destruction, by any means.

So, I have been researching and so far have found two particular chemical pesticides that seem to work: cypermethrin and dinotefuran. I have been using Home Defense, which contains bifenthrin with good results. It doesn’t keep them away, but it does kill those who pass through the barrier to enter the house. The reality, though is that you still have to collect the carcasses. This picture if from my morning patrol…

Pile of Dead Stinkbugs Pesticide

Results of My Morning Patrol

Copyright © 2011 Lydia Whitney


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